My very sweet new friend Lynn, of Lynn's Lovelies, has presented me with this award, and I am speechless!! (Well, almost!!) What I am is honored and filled with gratitude for this lovely blogging community we have!! Now I am to name seven things that I love so here goes:
1. My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, whose resurrection we celebrated yesterday.
2. My beautiful spouse, given to me by my Lord, as my soul-mate and help-mate.
3. My wonderful children, grandchildren and all our family, and all of my wonderful and worldwide friends.
4. My ocean, my sea, my wonderful beach roses, the smells and sights and sand between my toes.
5. My music, all kinds, all flavors, all venues, they each have whispers and shouts.
6. My poetry - I love reading it and writing it - it soothes the soul.
7. My garden - all the flowers and plants and rocks and antiques and benches and trellises - the birds and the bunnies and the kitties - the textures and colors and scents.
And now I would like to pass this wonderful award on to some other worthy bloggers I like!! Blessings to all!!!
Dawn - The Feathered Nest
Erin - House of Turquoise
Becky - Wing and A Prayer
Beth - Barn Owl Studio
Tami - Aunt Mimi's Creations
Dale - Sea Dream Studio
Lynn - Sea Angels
Have a lovely and peaceful evening, my sweet friends!! And thank you again, Lynn, for your thoughtful kindness!!
Congrats on the award!!
Have a beautiful day! It was gorgeous today....wonderful blue skies!
Hello Marji!
Congrats on your award! I so enjoyed reading more about you-have a wonderful week-smiles-Tam!
Oh you are SO welcome, sweet Marji!
Love your blog and am so thrilled we have 'met!'
Thank you so much sweet Marji!!! I love blogging and just love the creativity that is shared here ~ I truly believe that we all feed each other's creative souls! Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week, xxoo, Dawn
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