Oh, good morning, my friends!! So sorry I have not been blogging the last couple of days......I think everyone decided Spring is finally here and came to the nursery this week!! Whew!!!
I have been visiting some of your blogs in my minutes here and there, however, and I have so much fun doing that!! There are wonderful things being shared and here are a few - Dawn, at The Feathered Nest, found some ADORABLE cabinet photo babies so check them out; Tami, at Aunt Mimi's Creations, posted some LUSCIOUS fruit lithos, and Yvette, at The Charm House, has a beautiful tribute for Mother's Day to make! Visit them all and share in the sharing!! I LOVE this!!!!
Let's share some more - here are the seed packets I promised and yes, I am still going to do a tutorial for making these beauties into ornaments - hopefully this weekend. In preparation for that, I thought I would post these scans - in order to make the ornaments I took each set of two and went to my Jasc Photo Shop and did the four per page landscape, which gave me eight packets just the right size for the ornaments.
If you notice, there are two seed packets (candytuft and sweet peas) that are in the red, white and blue theme. One year for the 4th of July, I made placecards for everyone's seat using those two. What I did was printed them on cardstock, glued two together, right sides out (of course-LOL), with a small wooden skewer inside to make it like a little sign. I then made small double point banners with white paper, put the names on the banners, and glued them at the bottoms where it says Burt's. I made the banners furl a little at each side. I then took small terracotta planter pots, planted an herb in each and stuck the little "signs" in each one, placed them around the table, and voila!!! It was so much fun, the table looked and smelled great, and everyone got a little something to take home!! The kids especially got excited to know they had their own little plant!! You could use flowers or ferns (love ferns) or sedums, little grasses or sweet alyssum, or that wonderful Diamond Frost!!!! You don't have to wait for Independence Day, either! It would be fun, using all the packets, for a garden party or ladies tea!!
I hear rain.......what a pleasant sound.....what a blessing!!! Have a very lovely day, my sweet friends, and remember, be still sometimes, and know!!!
Oh, I escaped from work for a little bit - the guys went to play golf last week so I get a few hours off now.....love it!
Thought I would take a little while to sort through some goodies and look what I found!! I LOVE old calendars (couldn't you tell???) and most especially ones with flowers AND birds!! So here is a fabulous 1898 Pansy calendar with an adorable bluebird!! Thought maybe you could use bits of this in a nice piece of art :) - so charming!!
I am waiting for my darling youngest daughter to come bring me lunch - yes, I actually get lunch today, too!!! What a day!! And there she comes - oh, with something that smells good!!! Love you guys!! Have a lovely day, my friends!!!
My very sweet new friend Lynn, of Lynn's Lovelies, has presented me with this award, and I am speechless!! (Well, almost!!) What I am is honored and filled with gratitude for this lovely blogging community we have!! Now I am to name seven things that I love so here goes:
1. My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, whose resurrection we celebrated yesterday.
2. My beautiful spouse, given to me by my Lord, as my soul-mate and help-mate.
3. My wonderful children, grandchildren and all our family, and all of my wonderful and worldwide friends.
4. My ocean, my sea, my wonderful beach roses, the smells and sights and sand between my toes.
5. My music, all kinds, all flavors, all venues, they each have whispers and shouts.
6. My poetry - I love reading it and writing it - it soothes the soul.
7. My garden - all the flowers and plants and rocks and antiques and benches and trellises - the birds and the bunnies and the kitties - the textures and colors and scents.
And now I would like to pass this wonderful award on to some other worthy bloggers I like!! Blessings to all!!!
Thank you, Lord, for a glorious day in which to celebrate our Salvation by your innocent blood and the promise of God, our Father, that because you live, we, too, shall live!!
We had a lovely Easter with all the family and then my fabulous hubby went out into our yard and brought me in those gorgeous yellow roses he grew - we had a mimosa together and celebrated life!!!
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, as well, and I leave you with a prayer for a safe and healthy day!!
Good morning, sweet friends!! We made it through, all the plants are safe, thanks be to God!!! We are tired but we are grateful!!!
Now I can get back to some of these other good things I had to put off - like these recipes for sleep pillows and sachets!! First, let me tell you a few things about sleep pillows that you may not know. It does not actually have to be a pillow. it can be a sachet that hangs on a door knob or bedpost, as it does not have to be under your pillow to work. That being said, you can make them in sachet form for say, a baby's room, for soothing sleep without worry about a pillow in a crib. Or hang on in the guest room, or simply because some people are uncomfortable with anything under their pillow (you remember the Princess and the Pea!!). They can be made as a flat pillow, and I do not still have my pictures of some that I made, but I did them with various cotton fabrics, including vintage ticking and vintage pillow case fabric or old linen, and dressed them up with simple laces and ribbons.
Marji's Sleep Pillow
1 cup sweet woodruff 1/2 cup lavender flowers 1 cup hops flowers 1/2 cup pinhead orris root tossed with 1/2 teaspoon oil of lavender
Flower-Mint Sleep Mix
2 cups rose petals 2 cups spearmint (Mint the Best) 1 tablespoon ground cloves 1 tablespoon pinhead orris root
Headache Pillow
2 parts lavender 1 part lemon thyme 1 part lemon verbena 1 part sweet woodruff a pinch of rosemary
Geranium Pillow
4 parts rose scented geranium leaves 1 part lavender 1 part hops 1 or 2 drops rose geranium oil on a small piece of cotton wool
Baby's Gentle Sleep Pillow
2 parts lavender flowers or rose petals 1 part sweet woodruff
I hope you have fun experimenting with these!! Aromatherapy is a very old practice and I am glad to see that we are coming back to it. No self-respecting Victorian lady would lay down without a frilly little pillow filled with lavender or rose petals!! Sweet dreams, my special friends, and restful thoughts of spring!!!
Blessings, Marji
Monday, April 6, 2009
Well, my sweet friends.......I did not get ANY of the good things I meant to post done yesterday - not only is it spring in the nursery business, but we are now expecting a FREEZE tonight - in April!!! Last time that happened was like 1912 - so we are frantically bringing plants inside to prepare and worked all day yesterday - but I will leave you with this gorgeous (ahem....1912) calendar for your artwork! Aren't they lovely? And see the lady with the muffler - I need one of those - in April, in South Texas......who knew??? Have a WARM and lovely day, blessed friends!
Here are some of the ornaments I made, wow, back in 2004, with the seed packets! It has been cloudy so the pictures are not as good as I had hoped, but I am going to try to do a free tutorial on making these and so I will take more photos with the sun shining!! These were fun to make, and I hung them on a three foot white feather tree, with eggs and dried florals, and had it on my sideboard for spring and Easter! I put aqua paper grass around the base and put more eggs there. I had a picture of it but my computer crashed several years ago and I lost the pictures I had saved there....so sad. But lessons learned!!
It promises to be a crazy Saturday over at the nursery so I am off - and tonight is my hubby's birthday party - so I will post tomorrow, more goodies, hopefully the herbal recipes, and the tutorial!! Have a lovely Saturday, my friends, and listen to the birds singing!!
You know, after I took those pictures yesterday, I really got to thinking about beauty, and art, and creation........and as I stood looking at the above pictured pink and white double petunia, I realised that we come from the Great Creator, the One Artist, and I was still, and knew.
It never ceases to amaze me, being in this business of growing plants, living things, how a tiny, rather ugly, nondescript seed can become the most beautiful flower. How, no matter what we can create, be it art, or music, no matter how beautiful it is, it pales in comparison to a simple flower or the song of a tiny sparrow that only He can create. Does this intimidate me and keep me from even attempting art? Quite the contrary, it gives me courage to continually get creative, and have fun doing so, and not take myself too seriously, because I know that my talents come from my heavenly Father, and He gave us the natural beauty for inspiration!
Thank you, lovely friends, because He gave us each other, as well, and as we go about the busyness of daily living, we give each other nurture, conversation and inspiration, and I am grateful for it all. Have a most lovely and blessed day!
Look at the pretty baby!! That is a tiny little pink polka dot plant amongst a sea of tiny white ones - both my favorites!! This is a bunch of new babies we propagated from a cool hanging basket!! This is the new Proven Winners oxalis called Charmed Wine.....indeed!!! Totally awesome shade plant!! These are my COOL geraniums in all kinds of PINKS.....mmmmmmm!!! And, of course, my Diamond Frost - wish I could send you all a sample!!!!
What a day, my friends!! It was SOOOOO windy here (40 mph) that my computer went down FIVE times at work!! Drove me nuts. Then, I find out that my printer, scanner went down too!! A Charlie Brown ARRRGGG to that!! But, my sweet, computer geek nephew saved the day and fixed all so I will be able to scan more sweet pix for you!! Thank you, Jake-man!!
I went ot visit Dawn's site (The Feathered Nest) at lunch and saw she had also posted some images of seed packets and was I ever surprised (we MUST be soul sisters) as I have the same kind of seed packets and actually used them to make some ornaments several years back - I will take some pix tomorrow to show you and if I can figure it all out, I will post a free tutorial this weekend for you to do the same. They are very cool for spring and Easter decorating!!
I have to say thank you to all who have visited me, you are all such sweet people and I am so happy to meet you all! I love this blogging thing because I have met such wonderful people!! You all inspire me to do so much more than I could ever have done alone! Thank you and Bless you!!
Until tomorrow, dear friends, have a very lovely evening!
Good morning, everyone! Well, my babies did not arrive until late yesterday so I will take pix today - it has been a crazy week in the nursery business - spring has most definitely sprung here!!
Here are a couple of springtime images for you to use in your creations - I just love the lady with the flower behind her - I made a sweet Mother's Day card with that one a few years back! And, of course, anything seed or flower related I adore!
I haven't had five minutes to look for my notebooks but I will do that this weekend and find those recipes I promised for the herbals. I feel like I am meeting myself coming and going right now!! I have an early customer coming this morning so I will leave you with wishes for a wonderful day, my friends!
I am happily married to the love of my life, my soul-mate, my very best friend. I have four beautiful grown children, two with spouses that I claim as mine, too, and four darling grandchildren!! I grew up on the beaches of Maine, in the antiques and art and music world, and I am now in the plant world with my darling hubby. We live an organic, natural lifestyle and try to teach as many as we can. We are truly blessed by God, thankful for every day and every opportunity to meet people like you!