Been trying to catch up, visited several of your blogs, lots going on but I want to tell you about a new friend at More Than Heirlooms - Myrna has also gotten courageous and opened an Etsy shop and is having a give-away to celebrate! Go on over and add your name to the pot for a beautiful altered mirror and check out her new shop - I already purchased something there - so sweet!!
Everyone is having such fun give-aways, I think I need to celebrate the opening of our shop, too, with a give-away of my own! I have been putting together some beautiful collections of altered art starts I call Artitudes - fabulous bits and pieces to get the creative juices going - and I will give away one of these filled with exciting goodies on October 7th. You all know the routine :) - comment on this post and I will toss your name in my witches hat - become a follower, let me know that, too, and your name goes in again - put a link to my give-away on your blog, another toss in the old magic hat!! The winner will also receive a cute little something for Halloween, a treat, no tricks, I promise!!
If you are looking for ADORABLE gifts for babies, please go see my sweet friend Lynn at Lynns Lovelies - she has an incredible talent for crochet and she makes the SWEETEST little hats and booties, among other goodies! These days, you cannot find real quality baby gifts unless you shop at Nieman Marcus - shop instead with someone who cares and it shows!
Have a fine day, my sweet friends, I love all of you and I look forward to having a wee bit more time to blog - I do still work 8 - noon for my husband and then noon - 6pm at the shop but there is always the wee hours of the morn, with the slowing waking birds.......my favorite time of the day!!!
Blessings and birdsong, Marji